Thursday, August 20, 2009

Shake Yöur Rump

Another post is already in the works for tomorrow. It'll be a bit softer. But for today, some more up beat tracks. Enjoy.

Laïdback Luke - I Need Your Löving (Jöey Sukï And Apstër Remix)
Original is phenomenal, this remix is great.

Muttönheads - Shïne Blue (Päscal Bäxter Remix)
Real rockin' electro-house sound.

Dïrty Söuth feat. Rudy - Wë Are (Avïcii Killer Remix)
Of course it's a great track, so here's a good mix of it.

Luciën Föort - Shake Yöur Rump (Gabrïel and Castellön Remix)
Pretty even keeled, with a rise in the middle; good dance track.

Avïcii vs Bëastie Böys - Tïme To Get Ill (Avïcii Bootleg)
Hard-sound, dance track.

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