Thursday, September 10, 2009


I'm so pleased with the quality of tracks in this post, especially since I thought today would be a bust. Enjoy.

Ellëktra vs Märvin Gäye - I Hëard It Thröugh The Gräpevine (Ellëktrafied Full Vocal Mix)
One of the most phenomenal remixes I've heard this year. Especially at 5:06, that breakdown is absolutely epic.

Sägi Rëi - Stärlight (Alëx Gäudino and Jäson Röoney Remix)
Real nice stuff.

Glëe Cäst - Dön't Stöp Bëlievin' (Drëw G Mix Part 2)
The vocals are just phenomenal again. Perfect song to play after last call.


James said...

that marvin gaye remix is seriously sick. dramatic as hell. great up.

Anonymous said...

Starlight link is broken :(

still great post as always!

Steven Stone said...

Starlight link is fixed :)

Anonymous said...

ellektra seems to be broken aswell :(

Anonymous said...

Nice hype for the Marvin Gaye remix... now I just wish I could hear it. ;)