Monday, March 15, 2010

Undër The Shëëts

Eargasms! This week's shaping up to be a good one. I picked up a boatload of tracks and most of them were pretty damn good, music's changing this very moment for the better. Enjoy!

Ellïe Göulding - Undër The Shëëts (Chïddy Bäng Remix)
Alt awesomeness. Chiddy's the shit, Ellie's got some pipes, the song's great.

Lä Röux ft Hypër Crush - Bullëtproof (Hypër Crush Remix)
Hell yes, this definitely brings the party to this huge track.

Edwärd Mäya & Vïka Jïgulina - Stëreo Löve (Däve Rämone Club Mix)
This one's perfect minus a little bit of a unnecessary accordion usage. Real nice club stuff.

Pändora ft Blööm 06 - Kïtchy Kïtchy (Blööm 06 Remix)

Good solid dance track for clubs, not party bars.

Bïrdman ft Jäy Sëan vs Dëadmau5 & Mörgan Päge - Wrïtten On The Löngest Road (Yäyo Brothers)
Nice little mashup.

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