Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Internet Kïlled Televïsion

Easy Toÿs - "Internet Kïlled Televïsion"
Not everyone will appreciate this one, but it certainly caught my ear....and that's why I am going to share it. Give it a try.

Däda Life - "Cookïes with a smïle (2010 original mix)"

Punk Rolla - "Grapevïne"
Hyper-Kinetic reworq of the Marvin Gaye hit.


Steven Stone said...

Good call on the Dada Life track.

And unfortunately the rghost links get fouled up every upload. Let's skip it now.

Anonymous said...

The new Dada Life track is EPIC!!! LOVE IT!!!

Anonymous said...

just copy and paste the rghost links.

i've decided im a big fan of your blog

Darryl Von Rokk said...

That's nice to hear! We can use all we can get!