Thursday, April 15, 2010


Culcha Candela - "Somma Im Kiez (2010 kläas remix)"
No idea what he's saying, but it's a Klaas remix. Enjoy!

Stephan M & Laurent Simeca - "Roxanne (2010 niklas gustavsson remix)"
The Police

Dj Dan & Uberzone feat. Blake Lewis - "Operator (2010 miles dyson remix)"
Midnight Star

Kïngs Of Lëon - "Use Somëbody (chew fu festival fix)"


Anonymous said...

it's him not her i guess ;)

culcha candela is pretty popular in germanys top40 clubs, take a look at their hits called "hamma", "monsta", "eiskalt"..

Anonymous said...

yeah an its called summer in kiez(kiez is like a settlement in hamburg or berlin, germany). They come from berlin...