Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I Am

Sorry for the long delay in postings. Back with a few tracks you should definitely check out.

Cämille Jönes - I Am (Bëatchuggers Sïdelmann Extended Mix)
The original makes me think of sex, this one's not too different.

Jüstice - Wë Are Friends (Chrïs Möody Mix)

Nice work adding in some thumping bass.

Kÿlie Mïnogue - All The Lövers (Däda Lïfe Remix)

Love all the stuff these guys do.


CHP said...

why do none of your links for songs work? can't you add a simple play feature like on

Darryl Von Rokk said...

Nice way to promote, dude! lol

We don't use that player because we don't pay to host our own files.