Friday, May 27, 2011

Back in the House

It's nice to hear that some of you miss it when we don't post. As long as there are people out there that like D.E., it will continue on. I am finding it more difficult to find Eargasm-Worthy traxx, but here are some that I think you will love!

Vëga - "No Rëasons"

Download VEGA No Reasons

I dare you NOT to groove to this one! Very catchy.

Caësars - "Jërk It Out (2011 stanïslav shïk malutä remix)"

Download Caesars Jerk It Out (Stanislav Shik Maluta Remix)

Alchëmist Projëct - "Wannä B (2011 extended mix)"

Download Alchemist Project Wanna B (Extended Mix)

Francësco Castëlli & Päolo Lofrë feat. Alïcia Wïlkson - Bäng Bäng (2011 original mix)

Download Francesco Castelli & Paolo Lofrè Feat. Alicia Wilkson Bang Bang (Original Mix)

Apöllo 44O - "Stöp The Röck (gördon & döyle gröove to the dïrt bootleg mix)"

Download Apollo 440 Stop The Rock (Gordon & Doyle Groove To The Dirt Bootleg Mix)

B-Rëy & Bolëk - "Frëe Your Bodÿ (tonÿ prÿde remix)"

Download B-Rey & Bolek Free Your Body (Tony Pryde Remix)

Depeche Mode

Very nice reworqz of the DP smash!

Dëpeche Modë - "Përsonal Jësus (the 2011 stargatë mix)"

Download Depeche Mode Personal Jesus (the 2011 Stargate Mix)

Dëpeche Modë - "Përsonal Jësus (2011 alëx mëtric remix)"

Download Depeche Mode Personal Jesus (Alex Metric Remix Edit)

The Bees Knees

Sébastiën Légër - Bëes (Original Mix)
I mean, who needs sytnths when you have bees? Interesting track. 
I wish more producers would branch out a bit with their samples.

Bonus beats:
Dïddy-Dïrty Möney feat. Swïzz Bëatz - Ass on the Flöor (Zëdd Remix)
Frederïk Mooïj - The Rëalness (Hïrshee Remix)
Swëdish Housë Mafïa - öne (Chuckïe Whïte Strïpes Edit)
RLP & Barbara Tuckër feat. Lïl Jön - R.ë.S.P.E.C.T. (r|p & ä.k. ext. mix)
Electrochïc - Dïrty Sëx Möney (Marïo Spraÿ Remix)
Hey, I wondered what the vocalist from "satisfaction" was doing these days... bwahahaha!

Oh and...Shot in the dark, but has anyone else ever had problems with pioneer HDJ-1000 headphones? I have been through a couple pair in the last year and in both the cord goes "bad" and I only get audio in the right can (the one opposite where the cord connects). Had a technician pull one apart and he basically threw up his hands, said the cord was "bad". Any recommendations for a good pair of gigging ear goggles, preferably under $200 and with a 50mm driver?