Thursday, August 27, 2009

Epôck At Night

I got tracks today. One brand new one, one from a new favorite, and one from an old favorite. Enjoy.

Epôck vs Kid Cudï - Epôck At Night (Andrew Dëë's Unreleased Ibïza Sunsët Bootleg)
I'm still not tired of the original but I am tired of all the bad remixes of it, this one's different.

KC änd The Sunshinë Band - Thät's The Wäy I Like It (Jônes Glïtch Electro Remix)
Jones caught my ear after remixing S&H, now I'm going to follow him more closely.

Sôuldiers of Fortunë - Junglë Boogië (Ryan Rïback's Get Down Remix)
Been out for a long while, though I just got my hands on it and like it.


eastsidefm said...

lovin u guys, keep up the good work :D

Justin Meier said...

You guys ROCK. Awesome tracks that I'm getting to a little late.