Monday, April 19, 2010

Höuse Müsic

My 200th post! That's pretty legit. I've put together a boatload of dance tracks to get us pumped up. Enjoy!!!

Sïmone Pïsapia, DJ Trüe - Höuse Müsic (Cärlo Cävalli & Dänny Cäliro Remix)
Spëncer & Hillesque electro house. Thanks Kope!

Flïght of The Cöncords - 2 Mäny Dïcks On The Däncefloor (St. Bëethoven Remix)

Subtly let 'em know whats up with an absolute banger!

Käskade & Tämra - Angël On My Shöulder (Fünkerman Mix)
I'm just now starting to fall hard for the beautiful tracks Käskade turns out.

Töm & Gräde - Röck All Nïght (Dävid Püentez & Hänna Hänsen Göing Wild Edit)

'Bäss Kïck in Mïami' sounding, so yeah I'd say they're going wild.

D.O.N.S. - Dröp the Gün (Grëgori Klösman & Dänny Wïld Remix)

Make 'em jump! Blast the fog machines.


jodru said...

Only 200?! Feels like you've been around forever...Congrats!

Steven Stone said...

In that 200 posts there were over 737 tracks, 3.1 days of continuous music.