Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Rhÿthm is a Däncer
*Snäp - "Rhÿthm is a däncer (2009 ärmand vän heldën remix)"
I have been waiting for an awesome remix of this for quite sometime, and who should accomplish it? Armand himself! This should get slammed onto every dancefloor out there!
Posted by
Darryl Von Rokk
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Electro-house Sweetness
*Cändy Girl - "Yeäh! (electrophunk remix)"
I'm not sure what she is saying half the time, but likey!
*Cänsis - "It's Alright, It's Ok (cansis nu electro mix)"
One of my favorite songs from last year was the Bodybangers mix of Cänsis - "Breakäway." Here is another cool song by them.
*GeRich feat. Dirty Bäss project - "Whät Would..."
*Richärd Vission & Stätic Revenger starring Luciäna - "I Like Thät (original mix)"
Posted by
Darryl Von Rokk
Monday, September 28, 2009
Get up & Get down
*Soundpusher - "Get some (2009 original mix)" I ever love it when I come across a song that just gets my body moving. This one will seriously compete for my top ten list of 2009. It has everything that I like.
Guaranteed Eargasm!
*Dävid Guettä feat. Akon - "Sexy Bitch (chuckie & lil jon remix)"
This adds even more of a hip-hop flavor to it.
*Mike MD feat. Romy Lynn - "Gottä get down (original extended mix)"
Very catchy.
*Serial Thrillä - Get up (2009 original mix)
This one nicely samples Kool & the Gäng's "Celebration" in a non-intrusive way.
Posted by
Darryl Von Rokk
Sleeping in my Bed
*Booty Luv - "Säy It (hott 22 remix)"
Booty Luv? Hott 22? You do the math. It equals up to some good dance music!
*Brazen - "Whät's love got to do with it (2009 club mix)"
Decent remake of the Tina Turner hit.
*Undercover Lover - "Who's been sleeping in my bed (2009 club mix)"
I was going to say that this was strictly for the Disco-House crowd, but it has such a catchy chorus that I think others would enjoy it, also. Give it a try.
*Audio Affinity feat. Vicky Täylor - "Hold you tight (säint george remix)"
Posted by
Darryl Von Rokk
Four very good remixes.
*Fränkie goes 2 Hollywood - "Rel@x (2009 spencer and hill remix)"
Hard not to like a S&H remix....and they certainly don't disappoint with this one.
*Fränkie goes 2 Hollywood - "Rel@x (2009 scott storch mix)"
I love what Scott has done with this one. He slows the groove down a little and gives it a funky kind of beat. Nice for the start of the evening...or to wind it down. Very impressive.
*Fränkie goes 2 Hollywood - "Rel@x (2009 lmc remix)"
*Fränkie goes 2 Hollywood - "Rel@x (2009 chicäne full mix)"
Posted by
Darryl Von Rokk
Finally, loads of good tracks. Here's half of the goods. Enjoy.
Hämvai PG. - Rïo (Vänilla Crëep Remix)
Pretty safe bet, some good house.
Suzanne Vëga - Töms Dïner (Bïngo Pläyers Bootleg)
You'll definitely remember these vocals. Great even-keeled remix.
Agnës - I Nëed Yöu Nöw (Alï Päyami Mix)
Makes the track much better, much bigger.
Akön - Rïght Nöw (Häns O Mätik Remix)
For the Top 40 crowd again.
Posted by
Steven Stone
This post is really filled with the lesser known names that keep the dance-floor moving or the party going. Enjoy.
Fäst & Slow - Buddäh (Extended Mix)
Frëddy Märquez - Fëel You (Dävid Përeda Remix)
Oshï One - My Cïcadians (Original Mix)
Purplë Pröject - I Dönt Wänna Bë (Main Floor Mix)
Posted by
Steven Stone
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Dö Whät U Lïke
Two good tracks for you today. Enjoy.
Bad Böy Bïll - Dö Whät U Lïke feat. Alyssa Pälmer (Däve Aude Club Remix)
Same vocalist from "Fälling Anthëm", good house track.
Läte Nïte Alumni - Yöu Cän Bë The One (Sultan & Nëd Shëpard Remix)
Much softer trance house kinda track.
Posted by
Steven Stone
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Bläck Dïamond Sky
I couldn't get the new uploading site working the way I'd like, problems with the characters in the file name won't go away even when changed. It's been slow recently for hits, lots of good tracks out there that'll sound good in the club but not that many that are mind-blowing. Here's what I found that caught my ear.
Märk Oh - Scätman (Club Mix)
Surprisingly good electro house remix.
Mïke Pölo - Gypsy Wöman (Sändro Mönte 2009 Bootleg)
Been out for a little while, but I just dug it up.
Andy Cäldwell feat. Störm Lëe - Bläck Dïamond Sky (Mörgan Päge Vocal Mix)
Progressive house.
Posted by
Steven Stone
Monday, September 21, 2009
Call Me
*Splash - "Out Of Touch (belmond & parker remix)"
*Chic Flowerz - "Lady Marmalade (2009 sunshine mix)"
*Christian Falero feat. Blondie - "Call Me (2008 inphinity remix)"
*Marco Fedez & Dani Sandoval feat. Laura Estrada - "Ain't Nobody (h&h soulsurvivors mix)"
Posted by
Darryl Von Rokk
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Hot Hip-Hop
Great stuff for all the Hip-Hop/Top40 fans! The first 3 traxx are definitely getting played by me this weekend!
*Estër Dëan - "Dröp it Löw"
*Three 6 Mäfia feat. Kalënna - "Shäke My"
*Këri Hilson feat. Këyshia Cole & Tëyana Täylor - "Getchä Möney Up (remix)"
*Tyrëse feat. Pïtbull & Kardinäl Offishäll - "Täke Me Awäy (remix)"
Posted by
Darryl Von Rokk
*Bäd Boy Bill feat. Alyssä Pälmer - "Fallïng Anthëm (Hërve's We Are A Beäutiful Disäster Remix)"
This mix is sure to go into my "Top Ten of 2009" list. The more you listen, the more it pulls you right in! Once it kicked in at the 2:20 mark, I started to fall in love!
Guaranteed Eargasm
Posted by
Darryl Von Rokk
Good Girls Go Bad
I'm trying out a new service with the last 2 traxx that allow me to upload to several places at once. I would love to hear what you think of it.
*Cöbra Starshïp - "Good Gïrls Gö Bad (fünk genëration club mix)"
I've been waiting for a decent remix of this track...and this one will do for now.
*Crazy Cöusinz - "It's that fünky (phïl ëngland housewëst remix)"
Fun track that musically copies from Cameo's "Candy" of my favorite songs from the 80's.
*Andrëw Spencër - "Videö Killed The Radiö Star (2009 Extended Mix)"
Nice remake of The Buggles hit.
*Hött 22 - "Wïcked Games (the letting gö mix)"
Hott 22 do their best to bring this Chris Isaak hit into their awesome Disco/House realm. They succeed wonderfully!
Posted by
Darryl Von Rokk
Pläy It Cöol
So I'm putting this one out in a real hurry. Not enough time to give my award winning commentary, but expect electro-house without much vocals. If you've been wanting some less mainstream tracks this should be a good post. Enjoy.
Jakë & Cöoper - Pläy It Cöol (Wälkër & Daniëls Remix)
Bigger vocals
Dävid Bërnardi feat Söphia Mäy - Hëartbeat (Jëroenski Jörn Remix)
Bigger vocals
Orgäsmic Tëkitek - The Sixpäck Anthëm (Tömmy Träsh Remix)
More of a party track.
Vëndom - Takë Me Shäke Më (M & F Remix)
Nïno Anthöny, Frënch Gövernment - Lëts Pöp (Nïno Anthönys & disKö LöKO Remix)
Posted by
Steven Stone
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Dëaf Wäx
Nothing amazing's come out since Monday's posts, but we are back to ZippyShare. I've got this track to hold you over. In the meantime put your requests or track id's in the cbox. Great stuff as always from Vacation Records. Enjoy.
Mësa - Dëaf Wäx (Däve Wïnnel Remix)
Electro-house instrumental, great calm before the storm kinda track.
Posted by
Steven Stone
Monday, September 14, 2009
Bïg Thïngs
Once again, I think I know these are some great tracks. Also note that ZippyShare's been acting up for a little while so I switched over momentarily. Also note that all tracks are 320kbps as always. Enjoy.
Cälvertron vs Itchy Fëet - Dwarf Pörn
Wonk/Fidget that I'm way too into. Like the lyrics and the depth of the track.
Mörgan Päge - Fïght For Yöu (DJ Dän Mix)
Incredible release with incredible remixes.
Rëmady - Bïg Thïngs (Original Mix)
Really nice electro house.
LöuLöu Players & Shäram Jey feat. Säm Obërnik - Agaïn & Agaïn (Röman Sälzger's Stark Räve Vocal Mix)
Nätural Börn Grooves feat. Thëa Austin - Bäd Bäd Bäby (Extended Mix)
Posted by
Steven Stone
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Tïme Goes By
These are some great tracks, I really don't feel like writing anything else about them though. Also note that ZippyShare's been acting up for a little while so I switched over momentarily. Also note that all tracks are 320kbps as always. Enjoy.
Dëadmau5 vs Chris Lakë - The Rëward Is Only One (Tömas Arison MäshUp)
Oxton Böys feat. Lïndsay Bärry - Tïme Göes By (Säve The Röbot Remix)
Mörgan Päge - Fïght För Yöu (Bäss Klëph Remix)
Därren McDönald Feat. Gërrie Mälla - Yöu Lïft Më Up (Söul Junkïe Remix)
Felïppe Sënne - Stäccato (Original Mix)
Posted by
Steven Stone
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Back Again
*Räm Jam - "Bläck Betty (the mobb 2009 remix)"
*Snäp - "Rhythm is a Däncer (2009 mobin mäster mix)"
*Sunloverz - "Now Thät We Found Love (2009 main mix)"
*The Eurythmics - "Here comes the rain agäin (2009 emotionällandscaper priväte mashup '09 part I)"
Posted by
Darryl Von Rokk
Take on me
EDIT: Looks like I let one slip right by me. This track has been making the rounds as a 2009 release when in actuality it was released in 2005. Thanks to DJ Neyzinho for bringing this to our attention.
*Ahä - "Täke On Me (2005 feëlgood & däve äude remix)"
Posted by
Darryl Von Rokk
Lucky Star
*Löud And Pröud - "Lucky Stär (full house capäcity remix)"
Big Room sound from this awesome Disco/House track.
*The Göödmen - "Give ït up (2009 lexicön revënue remix)"
Nice Electro-house update to this dance classic.
*Aldirmäz Ondër - "All about höuse music (dj cäprice mix)"
This one is for the Tribal/House fans....but others should enjoy it also.
*DJ Frëd feat. Angë - "Shöw me the way (original mix)"
Posted by
Darryl Von Rokk
I'm so pleased with the quality of tracks in this post, especially since I thought today would be a bust. Enjoy.
Ellëktra vs Märvin Gäye - I Hëard It Thröugh The Gräpevine (Ellëktrafied Full Vocal Mix)
One of the most phenomenal remixes I've heard this year. Especially at 5:06, that breakdown is absolutely epic.
Sägi Rëi - Stärlight (Alëx Gäudino and Jäson Röoney Remix)
Real nice stuff.
Glëe Cäst - Dön't Stöp Bëlievin' (Drëw G Mix Part 2)
The vocals are just phenomenal again. Perfect song to play after last call.
Posted by
Steven Stone
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Hëart On Fïre
We got more tracks. Pure and simple. Enjoy.
Bäss Klëph vs Wïll I Am feat Snoop Dögg - Këyboard Dönque (Nö Fäce & Rustïk Club Mix)
Should work in just about any club. Really nice mashup.
FUKKK OFFF feat. Cörona - Rhythm of the Nïght (Däve Wranglër Remix)
Another one of my hometown dj's with his remix of this old one. Like it a lot.
Fönzerellï feat. Akïl - Hëart On Fïre (Stëve Sunräy & Tïm Ardy Remix)
Electro with vocal breakdowns.
Posted by
Steven Stone
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Room Service
Great extended weekend, thanks to Labor Day, pushed back posting. Today we have Dëadmau5 with lyrics, Pïtbull upgraded, some progressive dance, Major Lazër's twin, and a song from cartoons that got remixed. Enjoy.
Deädmau5 ft. Rob Swïre - Ghosts N Stuff (Vocal Mix)
Nice addition of lyrics.
Pïtbull - Hotël Room Service (Trickbäbies Remix)
Another good remix to go with Marc M.K. Kinchën's and Mike Colë's.
Fïlthy Rich - Luvstruck (Bënny Royäl Remix)
A nice vocal-free proggy dance track.
Chëlley - Took The Nïght (Alväro Remix)
Reminds me of Pon Dë Floor.
Dë Bos, Rälvero, Silencë - Mexicän On the Run (Mïtch Vicë Mashup)
Very familiar sample in it.
Posted by
Steven Stone
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I Cän Feel
I'm banking on some of ya'll really liking a track in here. Enjoy.
Davïd Deejay ft Elä Rose - I Cän Feel (Därone Remix)
Like the soft vocal breakdown in this nice house track.
Rïck Ross - Hustlïn (The Dïsco Vïllains Fresco Remix)
Ghettotech electro remix.
The Rïvera Project - Säx Hëaven ft Lïzzie Curïous (Alëx Gaudïno & Jërry Rooney Mix)
Little tech, funky, electro all-in-one
Posted by
Steven Stone
Nasty Gïrl
Always enjoy having a track in a post that warrants a picture like this. I'm putting out another post right after this, I'm finally caught up on my music. Now the weekend will be here and come Monday, I'll be back where I started. Enjoy.
Elëctric Soulsïde - Nasty Gïrl (Original Mix) Link Removed
Dirty, not the lyrics, the entire track.
Mëdina - You & I (Kïm Fäi Magic Hotdog Dub Mix) Link Removed
The original is good, Spëncer & Hïll Remix is great, this is a good alternative.
Bastïan Batës ft Nïcco - Cän't Slow Down (Michaël Mind Remix Edit) Link Removed
Nice house track.
Posted by
Steven Stone
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Playing That Music
Here are 4 very nice Electro-House remakes.
*House Shoes - "Fired up (2009 turn shoes remix)"
*Jay Jay - "Let the music play (2009 mark ves remix)"
*Rilod - "Thriller (2009 scottys remix)"
*Alba feat. Jill Razor - "Last night a dj saved my life (2009 club mix)"
Posted by
Darryl Von Rokk
Rëal Love
I put a lot of tracks in the cbox yesterday and so have ya'll. If you need more music check that out. Real pleased with these tracks here today. I like 'em both for a nice dance vibe. Enjoy.
Bëatchuggers - Rëal Love (Original Mix)
Real good dance track, minimal lyrics, moving beat.
Sïdney Sämson - Shäke And Rock Thïs (Club Mix)
Real good dance track again. Electro house.
Posted by
Steven Stone
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